Elevating the surfing experience through innovative design, new materials, and advanced construction methods.
Founded in 2006 with a mission to elevate the surfing experience with innovative designs, new materials, and advanced construction methods, Firewire Surfboards is the only global surfboard manufacture to build 100% of our surfboards for retail within Sustainable Surf’s ECOBOARD Standard, representing an approximate 30% reduction in carbon footprint per board, when compared to surfboards made with traditional materials. In partnership with Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Dan Mann and more of today’s most forward thinking surfboard designers, Firewire Surfboards are built with EPS foam and Epoxy Bio Resin in proprietary build technologies such as Helium, I-Bolic and Volcanic, each representing material increases in performance across durability and flex control from previously accepted surf industry standards. With an emphasis on supporting traditional surf retail as the foundation of our surfing culture, Firewire seeks to excite, educate and inspire surfers globally in partnership with our retail base and online partners around the world with sharp focus on putting #TheFutureUnderYourFeet.